Is “prison” perhaps a metaphor for our limited thinking? In this podcast, my guest Portia Louder traces her (mis) adventure into the prison system. What she found was herself, and the deep wisdom that arises from such a journey.
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This is such a great share, Pat! Thank you!
Louder is wonderful and articulate in her path to awakening.
You may enjoy a book I recently read called "A Crowbar in the Buddhist Garden: Writing from Prison" by a notorious most wanted bank robber, Stephen Reid.
And her awakening story has a nice synchronicity with the Buddhist-Yogi Michael Stone podcast I listened to this morning. The importance of the Yamas (yogic ethical principles) in being 'aligned' living a 'proper' life. Her description of the heaviness of being dishonest and denying the truth. Amazing.
Thank you Portia!